
The Intent

To christen this blog, I thought it'd be a good idea to explain the picture at the top. But before I do, take a minute to read the blog description over on the right----->

A friend sent me this picture about a month ago. A link to the original can be found here: The picture was pulled from a blog called The Sartorialist, a blog updated daily that includes pictures of people on the street who are not afraid to try something new. I check it everyday. Anyway, not often can a picture pull me in like this one has. It oozes coolness. Yet, there's something else about this picture that highlights the purpose of this blog--the meaning behind what he's wearing and how he presents himself--the metameme. I think a comment left by a fellow sartorialist reader on this photo says it perfectly--"it's like he desperately wants to be seen, and yet remain unseen. Don't we all?"

I will update this blog frequently with other metamemes. There--you learned a new word for the day, metameme. :)