
Calmer--Jazz for the New Generation

Jazz is a genre that I've always been intimidated by. Maybe it's the technicality, the vocabulary, or the aura of genius its artists have. Calmer, aka Collin Palmer, an electronic composer based out of Brooklyn bridges the gap for me. He has an interesting method of mixing live instrumentation with electronically composed parts, proof that technology in music composition is not something to be afraid of. Music is a great way to express emotion. I can't put a finger on what emotions I get from his tracks, except I get the same feelings as when I'm bombing the canyon on my longboard with good friends. Listen to the track below to get a feel for what I'm trying to say :)

His EP, "Past is Present" can be bought here for a meager $3.99

First Rays of the New Soma Sunrise:

The Intent

To christen this blog, I thought it'd be a good idea to explain the picture at the top. But before I do, take a minute to read the blog description over on the right----->

A friend sent me this picture about a month ago. A link to the original can be found here: The picture was pulled from a blog called The Sartorialist, a blog updated daily that includes pictures of people on the street who are not afraid to try something new. I check it everyday. Anyway, not often can a picture pull me in like this one has. It oozes coolness. Yet, there's something else about this picture that highlights the purpose of this blog--the meaning behind what he's wearing and how he presents himself--the metameme. I think a comment left by a fellow sartorialist reader on this photo says it perfectly--"it's like he desperately wants to be seen, and yet remain unseen. Don't we all?"

I will update this blog frequently with other metamemes. There--you learned a new word for the day, metameme. :)